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Baltimore Watercolor Society

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2020 Online Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition

July 1 through Aug 31, 2020

Judge of Selection and Awards: 

Linda Daly Baker is a signature member of a number of societies including AWS, NWS, TWSA and GWS. Her paintings appear in the Splash series along with the Artistic Touch and the Masters of Watercolor Artists by Konstantin Sherkov. She has been featured American Artist, The Artist Magazine, L'Aquarelle including the American version, The Watercolor Magazine. Her awards include the Adirondacks, Fallbrook Signature Exhibition, along with the American Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society. Her work was featured in the Shanghai Biennial, Shenzhen 2013, and in the Shenzhen Biennial 2015 in China. She has two instructional videos available through Creative Catalyst Productions, along with jurying and teaching workshops both nationally and internationally.

Enjoy Linda Daly Baker's Juror's statement on each of the 18 award winners

The slide show below provided a closeup view of each of the Award Winning Paintings. The slide show is followed by a presentation of each of the paintings selected by Linda Daly Baker for inclusion in the 2020 Online Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition. In her statement she says, "The work submitted this year was amazing and could easily have filled several exhibitions. It was difficult to limit the exhibition."

These 100 paintings were selected from a field of over 400 paintings.

Follow this link to download a pdf of the printed catalog.

Congratulations to all!

Award Winning Paintings Slide Show


All images are the property of the artists and protected by copyright. No image can be used without the written permission of the artist.

Full Gallery of the 2020 Online Mid-Altantic Regional Exhibition

The captions include:

  • Artist Name, Signature Status
  • AWARD WINNER (if applicable)
  • Title of Painting
  • Size, Medium
  • Price

Signature Status Key

 Allied Artists of America
 AWS  American Watercolor Society
 BWS  Baltimore Watercolor Society
 CPSA Colored Pencil Society of America
 DWS Delaware Watercolor Society
 GWS Georgia Watercolor Society
 ISAPInternational Society of Acrylic Painters
 ISEA  International Society of Experimental Artists
 IWS  Illinois Watercolor Society
 LWS  Louisiana Watercolor Society
 MoWS  Missouri Watercolor Society
 NAWA  National Society of Women Artists
 NEWS  Northeast Watercolor Society
 NJWCS  New Jersey Watercolor Society
 NWS  National Watercolor Society
 NWWS  Northwest Watercolor Society
 PWCS  Philadelphia Water Color Society
 PWS  Pennsylvania Watercolor Society
 PVM  Potomac Valley Watercolorists
 SDWS  San Diego Watercolor Society
 SW  Southern Watercolor Society
 TWSA  Transparent Watercolor Society of America
 VWS  Virginia Watercolor Society
 WAS-H  Watercolor Art Society - Houston
 WCWS Western Colorado Watercolor Society
 WHS  Watercolor USA Honor Society
 WW Watercolor West

Medium Key

 A  Acrylic
 W  Watercolor
 MW Mixed Watermedia

Enjoy the 2020 Baltimore Watercolor Society's Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition

Click on an image to see it larger or to scroll through the exhibit

All album photos 69|99 photos
Uploaded 04 Jun 2020 | April Rimpo (Administrator)
Maria Payer, NJWCS,PWCS
17.75x13.625 (W)


All images are the property of the artists and protected by copyright. No image can be used without the written permission of the artist.

Award Winners

Award Award
Artist  Painting   Medium

Gold Medal in Memory of David Churchill

 $1500 Alexis Lavine Twenty Seconds  W
 Silver Medal  $1200 Maria Payer Demoiselle  W
 Bronze Medal  $1000  Jinnie May To Dance with my Father Again  MW

Jerry's Artarama, 
Dr. Ph. Martin's, 
Air Float Systems, 
HK Holbein Artist Materials, and Jack Richeson & Co. Award

 $705.99 Rosa Ines Vera We are Many & One  A
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, Jerry's Artarama,
Dr. Ph. Martin's,
Ampersand Art Supply Inc., and Jack Richeson & Co. Award
 $639.99 Sally Mook Eyes of the Beholder  A

Virginia Watercolor Society, 
Jerry's Artarama,
Dr. Ph. Martin's, 
JFM Enterprises Inc., and 
Strathmore Artists Papers Award

 $634.23 Laurie Goldstein-Warren Morning at the Met  W

Potomac Valley Watercolorists, Jerry's Artarama, 
Creative Catalyst Productions, and
Jack Richeson & Co. Award

 $597.10 Matthew Bird Punch Buggy Red  W
The BWS Award in Memory of Rhett Murphy  $555 Lois A. Ward Wolford Breakfast Alone  W

Schiller Family, 
Navis Pack and Ship (Baltimore), and
Jerry's Artarama Award

 $550 Jane Thomas Boring Game  W
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Award $550  Pam Wenger Jean in a Yellow Hat  W
Colson Art Printing Award $475 Angela Lacy Back Street of Copenhagen  W
M. Graham & Co. Award  $390 Anni Matsick Passing Through  W
Princeton Artists Brush Co. Award  $350 Anne Cordes Water Lillies 2  W
Blick Artists Materials Award  $350 Mei Shu Configuration  MW
Edward Longley Memorial Award Donated by Sharon Longley  $300 Annette Uroskie Koi Study I W
Delaware Watercolor Society Award  $300 Margitta Hanff Love in the time of Corona  MW
Philadelphia Watercolor Society Award  $300 Linda Verhagen Woodland Intricacy  W
Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Award  $300 Marie Westhaver Apple and Eve  W

In Recognition of Our Donors

The Baltimore Watercolor Society wishes to thank and recognize all of the companies and groups who through their generosity and significant contributions have funded or supplied merchandise or services for this year's awards.

We are also very grateful and wish to thank those who generously funded our memorial awards.

Airfloat Systems
Ampersand Art Supply, Inc.
Baltimore Watercolor Society
Blick Art Materials                     (Baltimore)
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff
Colson Art Printing
Creative Catalyst                       Productions
Delaware Watercolor Society
Dr. Ph. Martin's
HK Holbein Artist Materials
Jack Richeson & Co.
Jerry's Artarama
JFM Enterprises Inc.

M. Graham & Co.
Navis Pack & Ship (Baltimore)
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society
Philadelphia Watercolor Society
Pittsburgh Watercolor Society
Potomac Valley Watercolorists
Schiller Family
Strathmore Artist Papers
Virginia Watercolor Society

BWS Gold Medal in Memory of David Churchill

Donations: Susan Churchill and Michael Eddy

The BWS Award in Memory of Rhett Murphy

Donations: Sharon Green, Shirley Apple Jenkins, Dana Kleinsteuber, Stacy Lund Levy, Sharon Morell,
April Rimpo, Martha Stoelting,
Bonnie Sybert,
Lois Ward Wolford

Edward Longley Memorial Award

Donation: Sharon Longley

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