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Baltimore Watercolor Society

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2021 Online Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition

June 12 through Aug 31, 2021

Judge of Selection and Awards: 

Anne Abgott, is a signature member of a number of societies including AWS and NWS. She is an award-winning artist, juror, workshop instructor and author of “Daring Color.” Born in Canada and now living in Florida, she is a past president of the Florida Watercolor Society.

Enjoy Anne Abgott’s statement on each of the medal winner

Juror Statement:

I believe that my job as a juror was to assemble a collection of paintings that represents the broadest and most varied spectrum of the entries. I want to congratulate everyone who was accepted. It was very tough to narrow 100 paintings from the 466 submitted!

I looked for strong design and composition, repetition of color and shape. I especially appreciated the creativity and originality of many of the entries. Style and technique are very important, but I like to see the hand of the artist in the painting. Just recording the facts from a photo reference should not take the place of personal interpretation.

To everyone who did not get accepted into the show, please don’t be discouraged. Kudos for putting yourself out there! Thank you to the Baltimore Watercolor Society for asking me to judge this show. I truly enjoyed it! Congratulations to all the award winners.

Anne Abgott AWS, NWS

Here are her comments on the Gold, Silver and Bronze paintings:

Gold Medal - Sydni Reubin - PROJECTION

Simply wonderful in its simplicity! The painting evoked an emotion in the message it sent. The shapes and sizes of the large squares make it difficult but the artist made it “work!”

Silver Medal - David Outhwaite - ROCKS AT ACADIA NATIONAL PARK, MAINE

A powerful focal point! There is no doubt where the artist wants me to look. Beautiful technique rendered in a quiet thoughtful way.

Bronze Medal - William Jaeger - ERUPTION

A Floral! A most unusual flower painting. Along with the technique, color and composition this becomes an ABSTRACT. It breaks the rules of even numbers, but creates beautiful negative shapes. A stunning piece!

The slide show below provides a closeup view of each of the Award Winning Paintings. The slide show is followed by a presentation of each of the paintings selected by Anne Abgott for inclusion in the 2021 Online Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition.

These 104 paintings were selected from a field of 466 paintings.

Congratulations to all!

Use this link to download a copy of the exhibition catalog.

Award Winning Paintings Slide Show

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT All images are the property of the artists and protected by copyright. No image can be used without the written permission of the artist.

To see the Award Presentation held on June 27th click here.

PROJECTION by Sydni Reubin - Gold Medal in Memory of David Churchill
ROCKS AT ACADIA NATIONAL PARK, MAINE by David Outhwaite - Silver Medal
ERUPTION by William Jaeger - Bronze Medal
FAMOUS SICHUAN, PELL STREET, CHINATOWN Tim Saternow - Ampersand Art Supply Inc., Artist Angle Gallery, FM Brush Co. Inc., Fredrix Canvas, Golden Artist Colors, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Award
GLACIAL THUNDER by John Bierley -Canson & Strathmore Artist Papers, FM Brush Co., Fredrix Canvas, Golden Artist Colors, Grafix Arts, Potomac Valley Watercolorists Award
GREEN CHAIRS by Lois Ward Wolford -Stonehenge Aqua Watercolor Paper blocks and Pads Award By Legion Paper
WELCOME TO MY WORLD by Denny Bond - Creative Catalyst Productions, Daniel Smith Artists' Materials, Fredrix Canvas, JFM Enterprises, Inc., Watercolor Artist Magazine Award
HALFWAY BETWEEN RAGTIME AND BLUES by Ann Greene - Classic Homes of Maryland, FM Brush Co.,Fredrix Canvas, HK Holbein Artist Materials, Watercolor Artist Magazine Award
SOULFUL EYES by Kathleen Giles - Airfloat Systems, Dr. Ph. Martin's , Frederix Canvas, Jerry's Artarama, Silver Brush Ltd. Award
SOUTH NAGS HEAD by Eleanor Cox - Daniel Smith Artists' Materials, FM Brush Co., Fredrix Canvas, Jerry's Artarama, Plaza Art Award
SOUP & SANDWICH by Janet Belich - Daniel Smith Artists' Materials, Fredrix Canvas, Jerry's Artarama, Logan Graphic Products Inc., Wind River Arts Award
THE GOSSIPS by David Eakin - Hahnemuhle Paper Award
HOW WE FACE THE WORLD by Matthew Bird - Blick Art Materials Award
MOORED AT HOLBOX by Lizabeth Castellano-King - Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Award
TROIS by Valerie Anderson - Colson Art Printing Award
THE SOLOIST by Ardythe Jolliff - M. Graham & Co. Award
THE THREE FATES by Sidra Kaluszka - Chartpak Excellence Award
TREADING TRIBE by Stacy Lund Levy - Fredrix Canvas Award
GIRLS II by Ally Morgan - Princeton Artist Brush Co. Kaufman Award
A POINT WELL TAKEN by Alexis Lavine - Princeton Artist Brush Co. Takamoto Award
AFGHAN PASHTUN TRIBESMAN by Michael Scherfen - Delaware Watercolor Society Award
ON ANGELS WINGS by Susan Stuller - Edward Longley Memorial Award
THE SKEPTIC by Pam Wenger - International Society of Experimental Artists Award
A MOMENT WITH THE PAST by Valerie Patterson - National Watercolor Society Award
AT REST by Sandy Yagel - Philadelphia Water Color Society Award
SUB-ZERO by Nishita Jain - Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Award
FIELD OF ELECTRICITY by Robert Bowden - Virginia Watercolor Society Award

Full Gallery of the 2021 Online Mid-Altantic Regional Exhibition

The captions include:

  • Artist Name, Signature Status
  • AWARD WINNER (if applicable)
  • Title of Painting
  • Size, Medium
  • Price

Signature Status Key

AKWS Alaska Watercolor Society
AWS American Watercolor Society
BWS Baltimore Watercolor Society
CPSA Colored Pencil Society of America
DWS Delaware Watercolor Society
FWS Florida Watercolor Society
GSWS Garden State Watercolor Society
GWS Georgia Watercolor Society
HVAA Hudson Valley Art Association
ISEA International Society of Experimental Artists
IWS Illinois Watercolor Society
KWS Kentucky Watercolor Society
LWS Louisiana Watercolor Society
MoWS Missouri Watercolor Society
MTWS Montana Watercolor Society
MWS Miami Watercolor Society
NEWS Northeast Watercolor Society
NFWS Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society
NJWCS New Jersey Watercolor Society
NWS National Watercolor Society
NWWS Northwest Watercolor Society
OWS Ohio Watercolor Society
PWCS Philadelphia Water Color Society
PWS Pennsylvania Watercolor Society
PVW Potomac Valley Watercolorists
RMNW Rocky Mountain National Watermedia
SDWS San Diego Watercolor Society
SW Southern Watercolor Society
TWSA Transparent Watercolor Society of America
VWS Virginia Watercolor Society
WAS-H Watercolor Art Society of Houston
WHS Watercolor USA Honor Society
WSA Watercolor Society of Alabama
WW Watercolor West

Medium Key

A Acrylic
W Watercolor
MW Mixed Watermedia

Enjoy the 2021 Baltimore Watercolor Society's Mid-Atlantic Regional Exhibition

Click on an image to see it larger or to scroll through the exhibit click on the word Next, located above the image you are viewing.

Peoples Choice award voting closed as of Aug 31.

To Inquire about Purchasing a Painting Fill out this Form

You will need the Artist's First, Last Name, and the Title of the Painting when purchasing a painting.

<< All album photos 78/104 photos
Karen Riedy, BWS, PWCS
15x22 (W)

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT All images are the property of the artists and protected by copyright. No image can be used without the written permission of the artist.

Award Winners

Award Award Amount Artist Painting Title Medium
Gold Medal in Memory of David Churchill $1,500.00 Sydni Reubin Projection MW
Silver Medal $1,200.00 David Outhwaite Rocks at Arcadia National Park, Maine W
Bronze Medal $1,000.00 William Jaeger Eruption W
Ampersand Art Supply Inc., Artist Angle Gallery, FM Brush Co. Inc., Fredrix Canvas, Golden Artist Colors, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Award $737.30 Tim Saternow Famous Sichuan, Pell Street, Chinatown W
Canson & Strathmore Artist Papers, FM Brush Co. Inc., Fredrix Canvas, Golden Artist Colors, Grafix Arts, Potomac Valley Watercolorists Award $712.74 John Bierley Glacial Thunder W
Stonehenge Aqua Watercolor Paper Blocks and Pads Award by Legion Paper $700.76 Lois Ward Wolford Green Chairs W
Creative Catalyst Productions, Daniel Smith Artists' Materials, Fredrix Canvas, JFM Enterprises, Inc., Watercolor Artist Magazine Award $595.27 Denny Bond Welcome To My World W
Classic Homes of Maryland, FM Brush Co.,Fredrix Canvas, HK Holbein Artist Materials, Watercolor Artist Magazine Award $591.27 Ann Greene Halfway Between Ragtime and Blues W
Airfloat Systems, Dr. Ph. Martin's, Frederix Canvas, Jerry's Artarama, Silver Brush Ltd. Award $589.30 Kathleen Giles Soulful Eyes W
Daniel Smith Artists' Materials, FM Brush Co., Fredrix Canvas, Jerry's Artarama, Plaza Art Award $589.23 Eleanor Cox South Nags Head MW
Daniel Smith Artists' Materials, Fredrix Canvas, Jerry's Artarama, Logan Graphic Products Inc., Wind River Arts Award $584.20 Janet Belich Soup & Sandwich W
Hahnemuhle Paper Award $570 David Eakin The Gossips MW
Blick Art Materials Award $550 Matthew Bird How We Face the World W
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Award $550 Lizabeth Castellano-King Moored at Holbox W
Colson Art Printing Award $475 Valerie Anderson Trois W
M. Graham & Co. Award $400 Ardythe Jolliff The Soloist W
Chartpak Excellence Award $350 Sidra Kaluszka The Three Fates W
Fredrix Canvas Award $350 Stacy Lund Levy Treading Tribe W
Princeton Artist Brush Co. Kaufman Award $350 Ally Morgan Girls II W
Princeton Artist Brush Co. Takamoto Award $350 Alexis Lavine A Point Well Taken W
Delaware Watercolor Society Award $300 Michael Scherfen Afghan Pushtun Tribesman W
Edward Longley Memorial Award $300 Susan Stuller On Angels Wings W
International Society of Experimental Artists Award $300 Pam Wenger The Skeptic W
National Watercolor Society Award $300 Valerie Patterson A Moment With The Past W
Philadelphia Water Color Society Award $300 Sandy Yagel At Rest W
Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Award $300 Nishita Jain Sub-Zero W
Virginia Watercolor Society Award $300 Robert Bowden Field of Electricity W

In Recognition of Our Donors

The Baltimore Watercolor Society wishes to thank and recognize all of the companies and groups who through their generosity and significant contributions have funded or supplied merchandise or services for this year's awards.

Airfloat Systems

Ampersand Art Supply, Inc.

Artist Angle Gallery

Baltimore Watercolor Society

Blick Art Materials

Canson Artist Papers

Chartpak, Inc.

Cheap Joe's Art Stuff

Classic Homes of Maryland

Colson Art Printing

Creative Catalyst Productions

Daniel Smith Artists' Materials

Delaware Watercolor Society

Dr. Ph. Martin's

FM Brush Co. Inc.

Fredrix Canvas

Golden Artist Colors, Inc.

Grafix Arts

Hahnemuhle USA

HK Holbein Artist Materials

International Society of Experimental Artists

Jerry's Artarama

JFM Enterprises Inc.

Legion Paper Corp.

Logan Graphic Products Inc.

M Graham & Co.

National Watercolor Society

Pennsylvania Watercolor Society

Philadelphia Water Color Society

Pittsburgh Watercolor Society

Plaza Art Materials & Picture Framing

Potomac Valley Watercolorists

Princeton Artist Brush Co.

Silver Brush Limited

Strathmore Artist Papers

Virginia Watercolor Society

Watercolor Artist magazine

Wind River Arts

Memorial Awards

The Baltimore Watercolor Society is also very grateful and wish to thank those who generously funded our memorial awards.

BWS Gold Medal in Memory of David Churchill

Donations: Susan Churchill and Michael Eddy

Edward Longley Memorial Award

Donation: Sharon Longley

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