Wednesday, June 3, 2015
7:00 – 9:30 pm
at the Hawthorn Center, Columbia, MD
We are pleased to announce that acclaimed watercolor artist and juror for the 2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Watercolor Exhibition, Mark Mehaffey, will be giving a special presentation for the Baltimore Watercolor Society on the evening of Wednesday, June 3 2015 beginning at 7:00 pm.m at the Hawthorn Center in Columbia, Maryland.

Nationally recognized artist Mark E. Mehaffey is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, the American Watercolor Society; DF, Transparent Watercolor Society of America; Signature Life member-Master Status, Watercolor West and the Rocky Mountain Watermedia Society, and Louisiana Watercolor Society Signature Life Member. Mehaffey has won major awards in juried exhibitions across the country including the Beverly Green Memorial Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, the Silver Medal of Honor and the Arches Paper Co Award from American Watercolor Society, the M. Grumbacher Gold Medal from Allied Artists of America, and the Skyledge Award from the Midwest Watercolor Society.
Mehaffey's work has appeared in many publications; most recently in The Best of Watercolor, Splash 5-The Glory of Color, Splash 10-Passionate Brush Strokes, Splash 11, Places in Watercolor and as a featured artist in a step by step guide and showcase, Creative Watercolor, Rockport publisher.Mark’s paintings are included in corporate, private and museum collections. Among his many awards are the Silver Medal of Honor from the American Watercolor Society and the Shanghai Zhujiajiao Watercolor Biennial Award, the top award in the TWSA and the top award in The San Diego International.
Mark is the author of “Creative Watercolor Workshop” by North Light and is a popular juror, he was honored to serve as a juror of election for both the American and National Watercolor Societies.

Registrations for this event will open on Saturday, April 25, 2015 (at the stroke of midnight EDT) for BWS members and one guest. Registration for the general public will open on May 1, 2015 if any open spots remain at that time.
- Date: June 3, 2015 (Wednesday), from 7:00 – 9:30 pm (building opens at 6:45 pm)
- Price: $20 for all BWS members (including associates) and $25 for guests (limit: one guest per member); no refunds.
- Checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society: only a check or online sign-up will reserve your spot!
- For online registration, visit www.bws.onefireplace.com and go to Public Events.
- Participants will be limited to 60 people.
- The program will take place at The Hawthorn Center in Hickory Ridge, Columbia, MD. The address is: 6175 Sunny Spring, Columbia, MD 21044.
- Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online sign-up.
Program coordinator: Rob Talbert
Mail checks to: 12504 Gravenhurst Lane; North Potomac, MD 20878
Phone: 240.506.5715
Email: Rob@TalbertFineArt.com