An Evening
Hillary Parker
Tuesday, September 19th 2017
7:00 – 9:00 pm
doors open at 6:30
Howard County Center for the Arts
8510 High Ridge Road
Ellicott City
Registration for this event are open for:
BWS members and guests July 19th at 10:00 a.m.
$25 for all BWS members (including Associates)
Registration for Non-members: August 18th. at 10:00 a.m.
$30 for guests and public
Not a Member? Consider becoming an Associate
Registration ends September 11th.....unless the program is full prior to this date.
no refunds (except in the case of the event being cancelled for weather or other reason.)
The Baltimore Watercolor Society is pleased to host nationally recognized artist Hillary Parker, a prize winning artist, teacher of workshops and demonstrator. 
Hillary Parker is a naturalist and international award winning botanical watercolor artist with paintings exhibited worldwide. She enjoys a dual career of teaching and painting, spanning 30 years, with requests for private and public watercolor commissions, juries international exhibitions, lectures, workshops, ongoing botanical art classes, private art instruction, corporate art events, and solo group shows with botanical gardens and art galleries.
Join Hillary Parker for an exciting evening exploring the concepts, skills and techniques for a controlled and detailed approach to painting botanical watercolors. 
Topics will include design and composition, color and lighting, positives and negatives, simplification of shape, and atmospheric effects.
Whether you are a novice or experienced artist looking for a refresher, this effective and informative evening allows everyone to learn accurate colors using washes, glazes, fine line work, and dry brush detailing to effectively create delicate, accurate botanical studies.
Hillary will discuss her painting journey and process involving carefully planned steps. Hillary will demonstrate painting techniques and answer questions from those attending.
please check out Hillary Parker:
- Please pay online via PayPal if possible. Otherwise, checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society and mailed to Sabine Yeager at the address below.
- For online registration, visit and go to Public Events.
- Participants will be limited to 40 people.
- Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online payment. Checks must be received within 7 days of registration to be considered as registered.
Program coordinator:
Sabine Yeager
Mail checks made out to BWS with title of Workshop to:
Sabine Yeager
3420 Buttonwood Ct.
Reisterstown, MD 21136
Phone: 410-774-4212