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'Watercolor Portrait Sketching' with Pam Wenger

  • 07 Apr 2018
  • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • Howard County Center for the Arts, 8510 High Ridge Rd. Ellicott City, MD 21043
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Registration is closed

 Watercolor Portrait Sketching
One Day Workshop 
Pam Wenger

Saturday, April 7th 2018

from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

BWS Member Registration Opens:

February 3rd, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. 

Member Fee: $60

Non-Member Registration Opens: 

March 3rd 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

Non-Member Fee: $65

Not a Member? Consider signing up as an Associate

Registration Deadline: March 30th, 2018 unless the program is full prior to this date. 

Remember that these popular events sell out fast


Due to the high demand for workshops, all registrations have to be paid within 5 days of registering. No exceptions please.

We are pleased to have nationally recognized artist Pam Wenger, a prize winning artist, teacher of workshops, demonstrator, and Signature member of the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and the Baltimore Watercolor Society present 

'Watercolor Portrait Sketching'

Pam is a retired teacher who has always been drawn to portraits and figurative work. She has worked with local instructors and with watercolor artists, Ted Nuttall and Charles Reid. She counts many amazing artists among her friends. They keep her constantly inspired and challenged to grow in her craft. 

Pam’s portrait paintings are her real love. She says it’s hard to explain the excitement of trying to connect with a person through their expression…their pose…their placement in the composition. Her work has been exhibited and won awards in National and Local shows, including Pennsylvania’s “Art of the State”, Pennsylvania Watercolor Society’s Juried Shows, and the Baltimore Watercolor Society

Workshop description - "Watercolor Portrait Sketching"

In this one day workshop, explore painting in a spontaneous style that involves minimal layering and the use of transparent colors. 

This workshop will be a combination of demo and hands-on portrait work. You will primarily work from partially pre-drawn portraits that will be provided in the class. (You will finish the drawings, but the basics will be there) If you prefer to work completely freehand, that is fine.

In the workshop, we will analyze some of the common mistakes that are made when painting portraits in watercolor and look at examples of successful watercolor portraits. 

Students should be comfortable with painting in watercolor, but do not need to have experience with portrait painting.


Pam: "I will have partially pre-drawn portraits for you to work on (printed very faintly on hot press paper) or you may draw freehand. You may want to bring some other small sheets of watercolor paper or a watercolor block to use for practice if you there is time in the workshop

Bring all your usual watercolor supplies: water container, paper towels, small board to attach your watercolor paper to, drawing pencils (I just use BIC #2 mechanical pencils), push pins or tape.

Bring your own palette and brushes that you feel comfortable with. I’d suggest using no brushes smaller than a #10. I use Loew Cornell Ultra Round brushes (very cheap and I just grab a new one when I wreck the point)

I use mostly transparent colors. Here’s my color list for those who are interested. (But don’t feel you need to buy new colors for the workshop.)"


*Winsor Yellow Deep

Brilliant Orange


*Alizarin Crimson

*Quinacridone Gold

Raw Sienna

*Burnt Sienna

Raw Umber

*Burnt Umber

*Quinacridone Coral

Quinacridone Violet

*Mineral Violet

*Manganese Blue or Peacock Blue

Cobalt Blue

Ultramarine Blue


*Hookers Green

Please pay online via PayPal if possible; PayPal allows the use of your Credit Cards whether or not you have a PayPal account.  Otherwise, checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society and mailed to Sabine Yeager at the address below. Please enter the name of the program on your check.

Please pack a lunch and beverage. Light refreshments will be available

Directions to:

Howard County Center for the Arts, 8510 High Ridge Rd. Ellicott City, MD 21043

From the Baltimore Beltway (I 695) take the exit onto I-70W and follow for 4.4 miles. Take exit 87B to merge onto US-29N towards MD99. Turn right at Rogers Ave. At the traffic light, take the exit to stay straight on Rogers Ave. Turn left at High Ridge Rd. and the Howard Co. Center for the Arts is on the left.

Cancellation: 75% refund if notified no later than one week before the program

Refunds for later cancellations are subject to availability of a substitute participant.

Please direct questions to our Program Chair

Sabine Yeager at
3420 Buttonwood Ct.
Reisterstown, MD 21136

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