Preference is given to previously signed up registrants.
There are just a few openings. When signing, please use the waitlist if registration is full. You will not be charged on the waitlist until there is an opening and you are moved to the registered list.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
May 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th 2021
from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
BWS Member Registration: March 6th 2021 10:00 a.m.
$175 includes "Provided by BWS" below
Non-Member registration: March 20th 2021 10:00 a.m.
$185 includes "Provided by BWS" below
Not a Member? Consider signing up as an Associate
Registration ends April 25th unless it is filled before. Class size limited to 16
We are pleased to have nationally recognized artist April Rimpo. She is a prize-winning artist, teacher, demonstrator, juror, and Signature member of six National Watercolor Societies, the International Society of Acrylic Painters, and the International Society of Experimental Artists. Her acrylic and watercolor paintings have appeared in three North Light Best of Acrylic books and in two Best of Watercolor book, Splash 19, and the Splash 21 publication.
In this 4-day virtual workshop we’ll focus on creating a painting on Aquabord. This surface has some properties like working on watercolor paper but other properties that lean toward working on more slick surfaces.
Learn how to work with watercolor washes to produce small vibrant paintings. Reference materials and instructions on preparing the Aquabord prior to the class will be supplied and mailed about 1 month prior to the workshop along with two Aquabord panels and a frame.
There will be a step by-step instruction demonstrations, and one-on-one interaction during the class. Knowledge of basic watercolor is helpful.
Provided by BWS:
These will be sent to all registered at BWS's expense.

Supply List:
Brushes: You will need soft brushes either natural hair or natural and synthetic blend brushes to reduce lifting earlier layers of paint.
#10 or #12 Round (April uses round brushes from Loew-Cornell (7020-10) Ultra Round- Golden Taklon or Princeton Aqua Elite Professional Watercolor Brushes.)
#6 or #8 Round
#2 Script Liner or Lizard Lick brush (Cheap Joes - CJLL-6)
¼” to ½” soft flat wash brush that can hold a lot of paint
(April uses Cheap Joe’s Dream Catcher CJDC-25 or CJDC-50)
2” – 4” hake or other soft brush for wetting the Aquabord
A water mister may be helpful, but not essential.
Paint: You can use whatever watercolors you have, but recommend you have the 15ml or larger tube watercolor. We'll start with paint from the tube (not dry paint in your palette)
This is a basic set of tube colors April uses. Those colors with an asterisk (*) will be essential for the painting.
* Cobalt Blue
Cobalt Blue Violet
* Manganese Blue Hue (available through Daniel Smith (D.S.)) and/or Cerulean Blue - looking for granulation
* French Ultramarine – We need the granulating properties of this dark blue
* Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) – We’ll be mixing greens
Green Gold or Gold Green (Available through D.S.)
D.S. PrimaTek - Green Apatite Genuine
* Quinacridone Gold or Transparent Raw Sienna – light value, warm yellow
* Burnt Sienna or Quinacridone Burnt Orange
* Quinacridone Coral (D.S.) or Quinacridone Red or Rose (medium value cool red). Note: April will be using Quinacridone Coral
* Dioxazine Purple (DS) or Carbozole Violet (DS) or Cobalt Violet Deep
Perm. Alizarin Crimson
Phthalo Green (Blue Shade)
D.S. PrimaTek - Hematite Burnt Scarlet Genuine
D.S. Prima Tek - Hematite Genuine
Black or Neutral Tint or Charcoal Gray
paper towels
kneaded eraser
palette and/or butcher’s tray for color mixing
water containers (2 recommended: 1 for rinsing your brush and 1 for clean water)
If you have any questions about the class, please call April:
443-766-0148 or email her:
Check out April's work online at
“I very much appreciate your thorough preparation and ideas for supplies that were new to us, as well as the excellent guidance on creating a night scene. You're an excellent teacher! Hope to see you again in a workshop.” Judy Harkins

- Price: $175 for all BWS members and $185 for non-members
- Please pay online if possible with your Credit Cards. Otherwise, checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society and mailed to Sabine Yeager at the address below. Please enter the name of the program on your check.
- For online registration, visit and go to Public Events.
- Participants will be limited to 16
- The program will take place virtually
- Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online payment. Checks must be received within 5 days of registration to be considered as registered. Please reference the check to the workshop.
Mail checks to:
Sabine Yeager
BWS Workshop Chair
11315 Maplewood Dr.
Ridgely, MD 21660