Member Registration Opens June 14th at 10:00 a.m.
Member Fee: $165
Non-Member Registration Opens June 28th at 10:00 a.m.
Non-Member Fee: $195
Not a Member? Consider joining.
Become an Associate Member for $25/year
Associate membership will be $30 starting September 1, 2022
Registration Deadline:
September 7th, unless the program is full prior to this date.
The Baltimore Watercolor Society is pleased to present a program with Gwen Bragg NWS, SW, BWS, WSA, VWS.
Gwen Bragg is an artist and art instructor who lives in Alexandria. Holding a BS in Art Education and a MFA in Drawing and Painting from James Madison University, she currently teaches watercolor at the Workhouse Art Center in Lorton Virginia. In addition to workshops held annually at Rehoboth Beach Delaware and Orkney Springs Virginia, almost every year since 1995 she has led an international painting workshop to "some place with interesting architecture, artifacts and rocks" including France, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain and Peru. She is a Signature Member of the National, Virginia and Baltimore Watercolor Societies, as well a Bronze member of the Watercolor Society of Alabama. She is past president of the Virginia Watercolor Society, and a past president of the Potomac Valley Watercolorist. Her work has been exhibited in numerous international, national and regional shows and is included in the collections of National Institutes of Health, Philip Morris, American Bank, Petersburg Area Art League and the Carrier Library at James Madison University.
Gwen uses the Lee Weiss Technique and colors she chooses to create unique texture for her paintings. You can view more at her web site-

We will be painting rocks and ruins in Gwen's program. She will be teaching us her process for achieving texture using the Lee Weiss Technique. A supply list will be sent to registered participants.
Texture and More in Transparent Watercolor
Gwendolyn C. Bragg, NWS, SW, BWS, WSA, VWS
I believe that art should express the artist's response to his or her impressions of or thoughts about things of importance, with the goal of stimulating others to reflect upon those things themselves. Much of my work is derived from my strong sense of the inevitability of change and the attempt to discern truth and continuity in spite of it.
I have always been drawn to old or abandoned places and sites, and many of my paintings are of such places. I’m curious as to what went on there before, both what we know and what we can only speculate about. Civilizations rise and fall. What they leave behind – and what we think we know about the people of the past – is open to many interpretations. The “Stone On Stone” series (a few of which you can see above) reflects the allure of old buildings and ancient ruins.
I’m also fascinated by the flow of water over stones – again a matter of what we can see clearly, what is only imperfectly visible, and what may be hidden amongst the stones. Water cools and clarifies, cleanses and reflects, but in movement it can also hide or distort what lies within and beneath it. In the heat of summer we delight in its cooling taste, the sound of it rushing over the rocks of a mountain stream or the sparkle of light dancing on or beneath its surface The sight of flowing water can be a delight, whether we are looking at it or through it. The “Beneath The Surface” series (a few of which you can see above) are all about the beauty and appeal of cool, clear water.
In addition to the standard techniques of transparent watercolor I have for many of my paintings of both flowing water and ancient sites used a special technique learned in a master class taught by Lee Weiss. During the first phase of the painting I apply paint to both sides of 140 lb paper and then flip it over on a sheet of acrylic many times, creating unique textures and colors. After the painting is completely dry I rework areas in order to refine and define the image. This combination of painting and printing results in colors and textures unobtainable with a brush alone.
My color choices are not bound by what I see, but are what seem to me to suggest the beautiful, romantic, and mysterious in both human history and the ever-changing natural world.
The price for the program is $165 for BWS members (Signature Artists and Associates) and $195 for non-BWS members. This price includes 12 hours of instruction (minus lunch and brief breaks), 3 sheets of specialized paper used for this technique and a sheet of acrylic to take home so you can do the technique again.
Dana Kleinsteuber
4018 Twilight Grove Ct., Ellicott City, MD 2104
Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online payment. Due to the high demand for programs, all registrations must be paid within 5 days of registering. If paying by check it must be received within 5 days of registration to be considered as registered. There will be no exceptions. If you do not pay within that time period your registration will be dropped.
BWS maintains a waiting list. When openings occur, BWS fills the openings from the waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis.
BWS adds names to the waiting list according to the date and time .
You can join the waiting list if a program is filled.
You can't join a waiting list before registration opens.
The program will take place at
The Hawthorn Center in Hickory Ridge
6175 Sunny Spring
Columbia, MD 21044
- Hawthorne Center closes and doors are locked promptly at 4:30 PM
BWS makes decisions and incurs fixed costs based on the number of initial registrants. Cancellations can affect these costs even if there is a waiting list. In addition, cancellations incur processing fees and other costs paid by BWS as well as requiring extra time and organizational effort. Refunds for extenuating circumstances are at the discretion of the event coordinator.
From registration date to 60 days prior to the event = 90% refund
59 days to 21days prior = 75% refund
20 days to 8 days prior = 50% refund
7 days = no refund
In the event of inclement weather, the workshop will still be held unless the Hawthorn Center is unable to open or the workshop artist is unable to travel. If BWS cancels the workshop, then all paid registrants will receive a full pro-rata refund for those days that were cancelled.
Please pay online. If you must pay by check make it out to BWS, reference Gwen Bragg Program and send it to:
Dana Kleinsteuber 4018 Twilight Grove Ct., Ellicott City, MD 2104