Create Dynamic Values
Kathleen S. Giles
June 7th-9th, 2022
There are a few openings left for this in person workshop
Members: March 26th 2022.............10:00 a.m. $410
Non-Members: April 9th, 2022.........10:00 a.m. $485
Not a member?
Consider becoming an Associate Member for $25/year
Remember that these popular events sell out fast
Registration ends May 31st, 2022, or when the event is full
Due to the high demand for workshops, all registrations have to be paid within 5 days of registering. No exceptions please.
Hawthorn Center doors open at 9:30 AM on the first day June 7th
Workshop instruction begins: 10:00 AM on the first day and ends at 4:00 PM
June 8th and 9th doors will open at 9:00 AM and instruction will be from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM

Kathleen S. Giles AWS, NWS, TWSA, AWA, PWS,NFWS, WHS
The Baltimore Watercolor Society is excited to feature a workshop with the internationally respected watercolor artist Kathleen S. Giles.
The workshop will begin Tuesday, June 7th and continue through Thursday June 9th 2022 at the Hawthorn Center in Columbia, MD.
a time lapse of the Bird Lady

Kathleen is an award winning master watercolorist. Let her teach you to "see" the true values, shapes and colors of any subject and paint them realistically.
Kathleen is an award winning artist whose primary discipline is watercolor. She is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, the Transparent Watercolor Society, American Women Artists, the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and Niagara Frontier Watercolor Society. The artist is a member of the Watercolor USA Honor Society and the International Guild of Realism.
Kathleen has had multiple articles published in art magazines and Watercolor Artist Magazine listed her work in their Best of Watercolor in 2021. The painting “Perfect Peony” won the grand prize in the International Artist Magazine 2021. Her work was featured in a four page article in American Art Collector Magazine in December of 2021. Her realistic and sensitive portrayal of everyday life has won her many awards. The artist’s work has won the first place purchase award in the National Watercolor Society show twice in the last three years. Her painting “Life is Fragile” was a finalist in the ARC Salon 15th International Exhibition. Kathleen was a demonstrator in the 2nd Annual Watercolor Live in January, 2022. The artist teaches online, sells pre-recorded videos and gives workshops in other parts of the country.
“I am drawn to subjects that are filled with color and dramatic lighting. They can be beautiful but often have an underlying story. My work captures a moment in time. I draw the viewer into my visual narrative by using recognizable details to create an emotional response. For me, realism is the best way to do that.”
Kathleen maintains a studio and gallery in her home in Gasport, N.Y. and is a member of Pittsford Fine Arts Gallery in Pittsford, New York.
More information can be found on her website:
Proposed workshop curriculum
by Kathleen S. Giles
Title: Deconstructing Grays to Create Dynamic Values
Description: Realistic watercolor techniques with Kathleen Giles
Medium: watercolor
This class will explore the importance of value and focal points which are enhanced by a unified color scheme. Kathleen will explain the importance of grays and demonstrate the mixing of triads. Mixtures can be altered by adjusting the ratio of warm to cool color. Using transparent clean colors balanced with neutrals enhances the glow of the final painting. Kathleen will demonstrate and explain how she uses wet-into-wet, wet-on-dry, damp brush and glazing to create her three dimensional paintings. The class will work with a limited palette. Working at a manageable size with larger shapes will allow students to hopefully finish the three different studies the class will do. Each morning and afternoon will begin with a demonstration and include plenty of personal one-on-one attention. Critique will take place at the end of each day. The class subjects will be white petunias, a sky over the water and a simple portrait. Students will receive an introductory video to explain how to prepare for the class. The video will be sent a month before the workshop.
All levels (basic knowledge & some previous experiences strongly recommended to benefit from this workshop)
All levels are welcome but students should have an understanding of the watercolor medium.
I don’t require my students to have my exact palette or supplies, but the quality of paint, paper and brushes I use allow me to get the results that I do.
Please have a transparent warm staining yellow, pink and thalo, (or winsor) blue and green! (Aureolin is too green)
I use mostly transparent staining paints. I use the Indanthrene Blue, Perylene Maroon, thalo/winsor green and blue to make my blacks.
I strongly urge students to use Arches watercolor paper, 140 or 300 lb. cold press. I use 300 # Arches bright white.
Old paper is subject to sizing problems and should be saved for something other than a class or workshop setting.
* Permanent Yellow Light –Mijello Mission (mine) T
* Permanent Rose (Winsor Newton) (Mission) T
* Perylene Maroon (W. N.) I use this a lot T
* Indanthrene Blue (Daniel Smith) T
* Winsor Blue Red shade(W. N) or phthalo Blue, Joe’s Blue T
* Sky Blue (Cheap Joes) semi opaque
* Winsor Green Blue Shade (W.N.)or phthalo Green, Joe’s Green T
Zinc White (for fixing mistakes, if needed)
Brushes are important. You need a good large wash brush, I use a sable/synthetic W.N. 2” brush. I also paint with it.
I use a Joe Miller Signature series 50/50 cat’s tongue ¾” for my damp color applications. I find that a rounded flat brush is essential for smooth application of paint in many situations. I also use rounds that come to a good point. I use sable, sable/synthetic blends and some synthetic, one or two sizes 6 thru 12. I have a couple very small sables for tiny lines.
A scrubby brush, I use a fritch scrubber, 6 and 12. (Cheap joes)
Paper- I use Arches 300lb. bright white paper . I prefer sheets, not blocks, so you can wet the back of the paper.
Palette- A plastic palette with mixing wells, I use Robert Wood. I think it important to have a palette with wells large enough for a generous amount of paint that you can put a larger brush into. I let my colors dry and then spray them. They are more concentrated and easier to work with, in my opinion. Please get your paints squeezed out before the first day of class. Tiny pinpricks of fresh color won’t work for wet-into-wet painting! If you have questions, e-mail me.
Masking fluid- I use Incredible White Mask
A fine pointed brush for applying mask and a little dish soap
Spray bottles, regular and a fine mist sprayer
Masking tape, paper towels, (I wrap my paper towels around a big car washing sponge)
Mr. clean magic eraser, plain
I use a mechanic pencil, a good eraser
A piece of gator board or some hard waterproof board to mount your painting on. Plexi-glass works well to flatten paper during the painting process.
Water container
Hair dryer
If you have any specific questions, you can e-mail me
- The price for the workshop is $410.00for BWS members (Signature Artists and Associates) and $485 for non-BWS members.
- The class size is limited to 20 people, and the workshop cannot be split with another person.
- Please pay online if possible; The payment system allows the use of your Credit Cards. Otherwise, checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society and mailed to Sabine Yeager at the address below. Please enter the name of the workshop on your check.
The workshop will take place at The Hawthorn Center in Hickory Ridge
6175 Sunny Spring
Columbia, MD 21044
- Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online payment. Checks must be received within 5 days of registration to be considered as registered.
Remember that these workshops fill up very quickly. When filled, you can register on the waiting list.
- BWS maintains a workshop waiting list. When openings occur, BWS fills the openings from the waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis.
- BWS adds names to the waiting list according to the date and time .
- You can join the waiting list if a workshop is filled.
- You can't join a waiting list before registration opens.
Provided a workshop is full enough to break even, and up until three weeks before the start date, an 80% refund with no additional Payment Service fees deducted will be given for cancellation
Provided a workshop is full enough to break even, and up until two weeks before the start date, a full refund may be given for medical reasons and an 80% refund may be given for any other reason at the discretion of the workshop chair; no additional Payment Service fee will be deducted.
- If the spot cannot be filled, no refund will be given.
- In the event of inclement weather, the workshop will still be held unless the Hawthorn Center is unable to open or the workshop artist is unable to travel. If BWS cancels the workshop, then all paid registrants will receive a full pro-rata refund for those days that were cancelled.
- Check this website for changes, updates and new information.
- Questions and requests to be added to the waiting list can be directed to Sabine Yeager (BWS Workshop Chair) at
The Hawthorn Center is located in the community of Hickory Ridge in Columbia, Maryland:
6175 Sunny Spring
Columbia, MD 21044-5623
Tel: (410) 730-7327
Hawthorn Center doors open at 9:30 AM on the first day June 7th
Workshop instruction begins: 10:00 AM on the first day and end at 4:00 PM
June 8th and 9th doors will open at 9:00 AM and instruction will be from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
One-hour break for lunch
Hawthorne Center closes and doors are locked promptly at 4:30 PM
Payments are preferred on line, but if you send a check, please have it made out to BWS and reference Kathleen Giles Workshop to:
Sabine Yeager Workshop Chair
11315 Maplewood Dr.
Ridgely, MD 21660