Plein Air Painting with Diane Gibson
Saturday September 16th 2023
from 10 AM to 3:30 PM
Historic Jerusalem Mill
2813 Jerusalem Rd.
Kingsville, MD 21087
Member Registration Opens June 9th 2023 10:00 a.m.
Member Fee: $65
Non-Member Registration Opens June 23rd 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
Non-Member Fee: $95
Not a Member? Consider joining.
Consider becoming an Associate Member for $30/year. To pay the member fee, for this class, you must first become a member then register for Diane Gibson's class. This can be done easily online at the BWS website.
FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION OR TO BECOME A MEMBER VISIT: and go to Public Events to register for the class under upcoming events. To become a member go to the members Info section then Join us section.
Registration Deadline:
September 15th 2023, unless the program is full prior to this date.
Raindate: TBD
Plein Air Watercolor with Diane Gibson
We are pleased to have artist Diane Gibson conduct this watercolor Plein air Program for BWS. She has been a favored instructor for many years.
Plein Air painting is a wonderful addiction, a chance to be outside and to paint Maryland forests, farmyards and local villages.

The instructor, Diane Gibson, has been plein air painting in Maryland and while hiking for many years in England, France, and China. Foremost influences on her style have included Tony Couch, Fritz Briggs, John Salminen, Tony van Hasselt, and the famed English painters, David Curtis and Edward Seago.

As a 40 year + member and past President of the Baltimore Watercolor Society, she believes that improvement in one’s painting involves continually taking courses whenever you can as well as painting in the studio and outside on a regular basis. Accepting the inevitable frustration and maintaining the courage to solve a conceptual or a technical problem area in your painting is essential to success.

Diane will teach you how to:
Plan and arrange a composition based on a scene which attracts you
Position three values—light, medium & dark
Use a limited palette of six warm and cool primary watercolors
Use a majority of soft and a minimum of hard edges.
This one-day course will include:
a brief orientation lecture,
a watercolor demonstration,
individual instruction and a group critique
Hints to Successful Plein Air Painting
Horizon line—3/4 up or 3/4 down paper
Center of Interest:
upper left or upper right
lower left or lower right
Size of shapes: Papa, Mama, Baby
repetition and alternation in shapes and color (ex: fence, telephone pole, weeds)
Three values: light, medium and dark
Plein air values: sky is light, foreground is medium, uprights (ex: trees) have darks
Popular arrangement of values: center of focus is light (ex: building)
surrounded by some darks (ex: trees) or reverse (dark house surrounded by light)
Counterpoint: darkest dark against lightest light at center of interest
Cool colors against warm colors; texture against non texture, areas of calm against complex area
Limited palette: six colors, two each of warm and cool blue, (Ultramarine Blue,
Phalo Blue, warm and cool yellow (Cadmium Yellow, Aureolin Yellow), warm and
cool red (Cadmium Red, Alizarin Red) Also Burnt Sienna
Mix two cool colors for bright color; mix one warm and one cool for muted color
Warmer colors advance (foreground), cooler colors recede (background)
Aerial perspective involves values and colors diminishing in intensity as landscape recedes into distance
80% soft edges, especially in far distance, 20% sharp edges in center of interest
Drag brush sideways to create rough texture on building and grasses
Recommended supplies:
Artist quality watercolors including:
Ultramarine Blue
Pthalo Blue
Cadmium Red
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Yellow
Aureolin Yellow
Burnt Sienna
Chinese White
Paper: Arches ¼ or ½ sheets or 16” x 20” or 12” x 16” blocks
Brushes: large 1” to 2” flat brush, #8, #10, #16 round brush, small liner or Rigger
Easel, stool or chair, full water container, masking tape, pencil, eraser, sketch book, camera, Kleenex, sponge and umbrella to either put into the ground or on your easel to protect you from the sun.
Don’t forget to bring a drink, sunscreen, a hat, your lunch and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow artists!