with Lois Ward Wolford
April 1 - 3, 2024
Members: January 10, 2024,10:00 a.m. $290
Non-members: January 24, 2024,10:00 a.m. $320
Registration ends March 24th, 2024, or when the event is full.
Not a Member?
Consider becoming an Associate Member for $30/year.
To pay the member fee you must become a member then register for Lois's class.
Join us here.
If a Member, Be sure to login before registering.
All registrations have to be paid within 5 days of registering. No exceptions please.
Workshop Instructor:
The Baltimore Watercolor Society is excited to feature a workshop with award winning watercolor artist Lois Ward Wolford.

Lois Ward Wolford NWS, BWS, PWCS
The Instructor will concentrate on shapes, color, values, and composition. She will discuss how to paint from selected photos, how to edit them and how to choose one with the potential for making a good painting.
Rarely is our photo so perfect that it can’t be improved. We will look at ways of crop, move, eliminate and even add shapes when needed. Getting closer (and sometimes even closer) allows you to eliminate unnecessary detail and build a strong structure. It is that structure, not the details, that keeps the focus on the story you have to tell.
The design elements and principle are your tools. By using these tools it is possible to get multiple paintings from one source.
We will use both wet into wet, wet into dry, and negative painting techniques.

All levels (basic knowledge & some previous experiences strongly recommended to benefit from this workshop)
All levels are welcome but students should have an understanding of the watercolor medium.
Paints - * colors I recommend for this workshop
*Quin Coral Vermillion Hue
Brushes - (I use Black Velvet or Kolinsky Tajmir-)
Rounds 12, 10, 8, 6, and small detail brush
The demo with be done on a 1/2 sheet 140 lb. ARCHES, WATERFORD or other Professional Paper ( This Painting needs to be this size or larger to be able to paint the faces of the figures with some nuance) Have no fear:)
Plan to bring either two half sheets or a full sheet of watercolor paper, if you don't know how to rip a full sheet in half. We will show you how to rip a full sheet during the workshop.
Additional Supplies
Palette with wells for mixing colors, Magic eraser, kneaded eraser, pencil, Artist tape, board on which to clip your paper, paper towels, water container, plastic to cover your workstation.
About 30 days before the event, you will receive an image from BWS that Lois will use to demonstrate. An image of Lois' line drawing will also be provided to those registered.
Once you have the images be sure to draw the line drawing on your own paper. Lois will be working at 1/2 sheet size and it is recommended you do the same because painting the details is harder on smaller paper. You may trace Lois' drawing or trace the original photo where she has moved the figures closer together.
It is recommended you buy a full sheet (22" X 30") of watercolor paper and use a half sheet (22" X 15") for the painting. Bring both halves of the full sheet to the workshop. If you do not know how to rip a full sheet in half, do your drawing on one half before the workshop and bring the full sheet to class. You will be shown during the workshop how to rip the paper in half. If you want to learn prior to class there are videos on YouTube to help. Here is a link to one of the videos.
A Little About Me:
I knew I wanted to be an artist at age 10, I remember entering a contest on a match book cover. My parents were taken by surprise when they got a call from that contest company wanting me to take art lessons. Never got those lessons, but I did spend hours learning to draw from John Neagy. I still have one of his books in my home library. My love for art has been constant ever since those elementary school days. I attended both Maryland Institute Collage of Art and Towson University earning both a Bachelors and Masters degree. My first jobs were working as a layout artist for Stewart’s Department store and Reads Drug store. I later taught art to elementary children for 30 years and now teach art and workshops to adults. I can’t imagine life without art.
It influences how I see and what I do everyday.
I teach lessons in my home and taught for Plaza Art in Towson before COVID.
I have taught workshops and juried shows in Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Lois Ward Wolford, a prize winning artist and signature member of the National Watercolor Society, the Baltimore Watercolor Society, and the Philadelphia Watercolor Society.
Lois is a painter of watercolors and acrylics. She has works in both private and corporate collections in the USA and abroad. She is known for her figure paintings of people involved in everyday activities. Her paintings aim at capturing a moment in time.
- Art of Watercolor Magazine December 2011
- Art of Watercolor Magazine December 2016
- Watercolor Artists Magazine December 2016
- Book :Splash 19, Splash 21
Awards in Major Shows - Past Three Years
2023 BWS Quiet Waters - Day in Provence- 1st Place
2022 Transparent Watercolor Society- Morning Routine-Pendergast Award
2022 Pennsylvania International-Honey Do List2022 Philadelphia International - Green Chairs 2 1st place Award
2022 Mid Atlantic Regional - Morning Snooze Colson Award
2021Mid Atlantic Regional - Green Chairs1 - Stonehenge Award
2021 Pennsylvania International - Breakfast Alone-Walker Family Award
2021 Delaplaine Show Three for Breakfast 1st Place
2021 Mc Bride Gallery Rocket Riders - 1st Place
$290.00 for BWS members (Signature Artists, Associates, and Students) and
$320.00 for non-BWS members.
The class size is limited to 22 people, and the workshop cannot be split with another person.
Please pay online if possible. The payment system allows the use of Credit Cards. Otherwise, checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society and mailed to Dana Kleinsteuber at the address below. Please enter the name of the workshop on your check.
Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online payment. Checks must be received within 5 days of registration to be considered as registered.
FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION VISIT: and go to Public Events > Upcoming Events.
If a Member, be sure to login before registering.
Remember that these workshops fill up very quickly. When filled, you can join the waiting list.
BWS maintains a workshop waiting list. When openings occur, BWS fills the openings from the waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis.
BWS adds names to the waiting list according to the date and time.
You can join the waiting list if a workshop is filled. There are often openings so it is worth doing if you are interested in the class.
You can't join a waiting list before registration opens.
Waiting List registrants - Do not send payment until you are informed of an opening and have been sent an invoice. Any check sent before you have been informed you have a spot will be destroyed.
BWS makes decisions and incurs fixed costs based on the number of initial registrants. Cancellations can affect these costs even if there is a waiting list. In addition, cancellations incur processing fees and other costs paid by BWS as well as requiring extra time and organizational effort. Refunds for extenuating circumstances are at the discretion of the event coordinator.
From registration date to 60 days prior to the event = 90% refund
59 days to 21days prior = 75% refund
20 days to 8 days prior = 50% refund
7 days or fewer = no refund
In the event of inclement weather, the workshop will still be held unless the Hawthorn Center is unable to open or the workshop artist is unable to travel. If BWS cancels the workshop, then all paid registrants will receive a full pro-rata refund for those days that were cancelled.
Check this website for changes, updates and new information.
Questions and requests to be added to the waiting list can be directed to:
Dana Kleinsteuber (BWS Workshop Chair) at
The Hawthorn Center is located in the community of Hickory Ridge in Columbia, Maryland:
6175 Sunny Spring Rd. Columbia, MD 21044-5623Tel:
(410) 730-7327
First Day Hours - April 1, 2024 - Hawthorn Center doors open at 9:30 AM to allow you to set up your work space. Workshop instruction begins: 10:00 AM on the first day and end at 4:00 PM
April 2nd and 3rd - Doors will open at 9:00 AM and instruction will be from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
One-hour break for lunch
Please plan to leave by 4:15 PM. Hawthorne Center closes and doors are locked promptly at 4:30 PM
Are preferred online, but if you send a check, please have it made out to BWS and reference Lois Ward Wolford Workshop. Mail it to:
Dana Kleinsteuber Workshop Chair
My assumption is that the COVID message below will not be necessary.
We anticipate that COVID-19 could continue to be an issue when this event is held due to new variants. While the current level is low, and would not require masking, we can not tell what April will bring. We make the decision on masking, for the benefit of the entire class, based on a variety of factors including the health departments reported COVID level, the preferences of the instructor and the number of registrants with expressed immune issues and health concerns.
If you are immune compromised, or have health concerns, and doctors suggest those around you mask, please express this to
Dana Kleinsteuber, the BWS workshop chair.
BWS understands that none of us like to wear a mask, including me. Please be prepared to wear a mask in this public space during this workshop/program, if requested, knowing that the decision was made after a great deal of consideration. That said, lets hope that things are looking good in April so we can go without them.
- If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask feel free to do so at any time.
- If you have decided you will never wear a mask again, even if requested by BWS, do not sign up for this class.