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Baltimore Watercolor Society

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  • Painting Atmospheric and Luminous Snowscapes in Watercolor with Nishita Jain

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Painting Atmospheric and Luminous Snowscapes in Watercolor with Nishita Jain

  • 02 Apr 2025
  • 9:30 AM
  • 03 Apr 2025
  • 4:00 PM
  • The Hawthorn Center, 6175 Sunny Spring, Columbia, MD
  • 11


  • Base price
  • Used only by the program chair. BWS policy document states the chair attends at no cost to compensate for the work in setting up and running the event.


Painting Atmospheric and Luminous Snowscapes in Watercolor with Nishita Jain

Apr 2-3, 2025


Members: Jan 31, 2025, for $150

Non-members: Feb 14, 2025, for $185

Registration ends Mar 26, 2025, or when the event is full.

The class size is limited to 22 people, and the program cannot be split with another person.

Not a Member? Consider becoming an Associate Member for $30/year.

To pay the member registration fee you must become a member before registering for this class.

Join us here.

FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION VISIT: and go to Public Events. If you are a Member be sure to login before registering.

If you don't login, the system will not know you are a member so you will not be able to register during the members only registration period and the computer will not give you the members only price.

All registrations have to be paid within 5 days of registering. No exceptions please.


Program Instructor: 

The Baltimore Watercolor Society is excited to feature a two day program with award winning local watercolor artist, Nishita Jain. She recently received the BWS LED Billboard Award at Baltimore Watercolor Society Pigments to Pixel All Member Online Show.

Program Subject:

Discover the art of creating captivating snowy landscapes in this focused workshop. Guided by the instructor, you’ll explore the essential techniques for composing and painting a winter scene that truly engages the viewer. Through live demonstrations and hands-on exercises, the workshop will cover key elements such as cropping reference images for stronger compositions, identifying and emphasizing focal points, establishing values and creating dynamic shadow patterns with expressive brushwork. You’ll also learn how to use a varied palette of hues to elevate the natural brilliance of the paper’s white, bringing your winter scenes to life with depth and vibrancy.

Perfect for artists looking to refine their skills or explore the beauty of winter landscapes!

Recommended Experience:

A good understanding of basic watercolor techniques & some previous experience strongly recommended to benefit from this workshop.

Supply List:

Watercolor Paper

8X10 or 9X12 Arches/Stonehenge/Fabriano Cold Press 140 fine grain paper

Note: These are the recommended brands for the class. I personally prefer, and will be using, Arches throught the workshop. You can use blocks, but I recommended buying bigger sheets or rolls for better value.

Watercolor Paint Tubes

Cobalt Blue

Cerulean Blue

Raw Sienna

Hansa Yellow OR Indian Yellow

Quinacridone Gold

Quinacridone Rose OR Alizarin Crimson

Dioxazine Purple

Pthalo Blue


Indigo OR Payne's Grey OR Neutral Tint

Lamp Black

Note: Use only fine art quality pigments such as M. Graham, Daniel Smith, Winsor Newton, Van Gogh, Sennelier, or equivalent brands. Avoid student-grade materials. I love to experiment with a wide range of pigments, and you may see me using pigments other than those listed above, including Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue and Yellow Ochre. However, you don't have to buy these as the basic list will suffice for getting good results. Feel free to bring any additional pigments you prefer, but prioritize quality over quantity.


Hake (medium-sized)

Round Mop (medium-sized)

Rigger or Liners (thin and thick)

1-inch Flat Brush

2 Round Brushes with good points - Sizes 8 OR 10 and 12 OR 14

Chinese Calligraphy Brush

Fan Brush

Scrubber brushes -

Note: Brush sizes differ across brands. Avoid thin brushes and opt for bigger brushes to achieve loose, atmospheric paintings. Use professional or artist-grade brushes, except for the hake and Chinese calligraphy brushes.

Additional Supplies

Gatorboard, Acrylic, or Glass Sheet - Provides a firm support for your paper, especially for wet-on-wet techniques. Avoid drawing boards as they may warp with moisture.

Old Towel or synthetic table cover - Used under your support board to catch excess water and protect your work surface.

Raisers (e.g., boxes, paperweights) - Used to adjust the angle of your paper for better control of paint flow and washes.

Rags or Wipes - For blotting, cleaning brushes, and controlling moisture levels.

2 Water Containers - One for rinsing brushes and one for clean water during painting.

Clips or Artists' Tape - Holds your paper securely to the support board to prevent movement.

Kneaded Erasers - Used for gentle corrections and lifting pencil marks without damaging the paper.

Fine Mist Spraying Bottle - Helps keep your paint moist and can be used for special effects.

Masking Fluid - Used to preserve white areas of your paper by masking sections you want to keep free of paint.

4B & 6B pencils and a sketch book

Preparation Instructions:

About 30 days before the event, you will receive images from BWS which Nishita will use for the class for both days.


Nishita Jain has always been captivated by the way light dances through nature, whether it’s the soft glow of a winter morning or the golden hues of a summer sunset. As a Maryland-based watercolor artist, she draws endless inspiration from the open skies and varied landscapes around her home, weaving their quiet beauty into her paintings. Her work often embraces an atmospheric quality, focusing on the interplay of light, shadow, and mood to evoke a sense of place and emotion. Her expressive brushwork and skillful use of a limited palette further enhance the ethereal nature of her art, inviting viewers to pause and find calm in a busy world.

Her artistic journey has been marked by notable achievements. In 2024, her painting "Towards the Old Footbridge" was shown in the 25th Annual American Impressionist Society National Juried Exhibition, and "On a Higher Plane" was selected for the 104th International Open Exhibition of the National Watercolor Society. Her work has also been featured in Artists Network's Splash 24, where "Winter’s Swan Song" earned an Honorable Mention.

Her work is regularly exhibited and available for purchase at the Artists' Gallery in Ellicott City. She is a signature member of art societies like the American Society of Marine Artists, Baltimore Watercolor Society, and Philadelphia Watercolor Society.

At its heart, Nishita’s art is about connection—connecting with nature, with memories, and with the quiet beauty that surrounds us.

Explore more of Nishita’s work at:



Facebook: Nishita Jain Art




$150.00 for BWS members (Signature Artists, Associates, and Students) and

$185.00 for non-BWS members.

The class size is limited to 22 people, and the workshop cannot be split with another person.

Please pay online if possible. The payment system allows the use of Credit Cards. Otherwise, checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society. Please email Program chair at to get the mailing address. 

Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online payment. Checks must be received within 5 days of registration to be considered as registered.

FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION VISIT: and go to Public Events > Upcoming Events. If a Member, be sure to login before registering.

Remember that these workshops fill up very quickly. When filled, you can join the waiting list.

Waiting List:

BWS maintains a workshop and program waiting list once the event is filled. If registrants cancel, BWS fills the openings from the waiting list on a first-come, first-served basis. There are often cancellations, so it is worthwhile joining the waiting list.

BWS adds names to the waiting list according to the date and time.

You can't join a waiting list before registration opens.

Waiting List registrants - Do not send payment until you are informed of an opening and have been sent an invoice. Any check sent before you have been informed you have a spot will be destroyed.

Cancellations and Refunds:

BWS makes decisions and incurs fixed costs based on the number of initial registrants. Cancellations can affect these costs even if there is a waiting list. In addition, cancellations incur processing fees and other costs paid by BWS as well as requiring extra time and organizational effort. Refunds for extenuating circumstances are at the discretion of the event coordinator.

From registration date to 60 days prior to the event = 90% refund 

59 days to 21days prior = 75% refund

20 days to 8 days prior = 50% refund

7 days or fewer = no refund

In the event of inclement weather, the workshop will still be held unless the Hawthorn Center is unable to open or the workshop instructor is unable to travel. If BWS cancels the workshop, then all paid registrants will receive a full pro-rata refund for those days that were cancelled.

Check this website for changes, updates and new information.

Questions and requests to be added to the waiting list can be directed to:

Yogini Dahiwadkar (BWS Program Chair) at


The Hawthorn Center is located in the community of Hickory Ridge in Columbia, Maryland:

6175 Sunny Spring Rd. Columbia, MD 21044-5623

Tel: (410) 730-7327

Workshop Hours:

Apr 2, 2025- Apr 3, 2025-  Hawthorn Center doors open at 9:30 AM to allow you to set up your workspace. Workshop instruction begins: 10:00 AM and end at 4:00 PM.

One-hour break for lunch

Please plan to leave by 4:15 PM. Hawthorne Center closes and doors are locked promptly at 4:30 PM


BWS prefers online payments, but if you send a check, please have it made out to BWS and reference Nishita Jain Program  in the notes section of your check. Please email Program chair at to get the mailing address.

Wearing Masks

  • If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, feel free to do so at any time.
  • If you are immune compromised and your doctors recommend you only be around people wearing masks, be advised BWS will not be requiring masks for this workshop. 

If you have any questions, contact Yogini Dahiwadkar, Program Chair at 443-636-0237.

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