Watercolor Paper
8X10 or 9X12 Arches/Stonehenge/Fabriano Cold Press 140 fine grain paper
Note: These are the recommended brands for the class. I personally prefer, and will be using, Arches throught the workshop. You can use blocks, but I recommended buying bigger sheets or rolls for better value.
Watercolor Paint Tubes
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Raw Sienna
Hansa Yellow OR Indian Yellow
Quinacridone Gold
Quinacridone Rose OR Alizarin Crimson
Dioxazine Purple
Pthalo Blue
Indigo OR Payne's Grey OR Neutral Tint
Lamp Black
Note: Use only fine art quality pigments such as M. Graham, Daniel Smith, Winsor Newton, Van Gogh, Sennelier, or equivalent brands. Avoid student-grade materials. I love to experiment with a wide range of pigments, and you may see me using pigments other than those listed above, including Prussian Blue, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue and Yellow Ochre. However, you don't have to buy these as the basic list will suffice for getting good results. Feel free to bring any additional pigments you prefer, but prioritize quality over quantity.
Hake (medium-sized)
Round Mop (medium-sized)
Rigger or Liners (thin and thick)
1-inch Flat Brush
2 Round Brushes with good points - Sizes 8 OR 10 and 12 OR 14
Chinese Calligraphy Brush
Fan Brush
Scrubber brushes - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I6DXSG6
Note: Brush sizes differ across brands. Avoid thin brushes and opt for bigger brushes to achieve loose, atmospheric paintings. Use professional or artist-grade brushes, except for the hake and Chinese calligraphy brushes.
Additional Supplies
Gatorboard, Acrylic, or Glass Sheet - Provides a firm support for your paper, especially for wet-on-wet techniques. Avoid drawing boards as they may warp with moisture.
Old Towel or synthetic table cover - Used under your support board to catch excess water and protect your work surface.
Raisers (e.g., boxes, paperweights) - Used to adjust the angle of your paper for better control of paint flow and washes.
Rags or Wipes - For blotting, cleaning brushes, and controlling moisture levels.
2 Water Containers - One for rinsing brushes and one for clean water during painting.
Clips or Artists' Tape - Holds your paper securely to the support board to prevent movement.
Kneaded Erasers - Used for gentle corrections and lifting pencil marks without damaging the paper.
Fine Mist Spraying Bottle - Helps keep your paint moist and can be used for special effects.
Masking Fluid - Used to preserve white areas of your paper by masking sections you want to keep free of paint.
4B & 6B pencils and a sketch book