7:00 – 9:30 pm, March 25, 2014
at the Hawthorn Center, Columbia, MD
about the weather: We may be having a little snow on this date, but we are planning to go ahead. As noted below, there are no refunds for this $10-15 event. Sorry!
note: as of March 23 we have 56 people registered. There is room for a few more and we will sell tickets at the door at this point. However it will be possible to register online also, until the Tuesday morning at 10am.
We are pleased to announce that Baltimore artist Stewart White, AWS, NWS, will be giving a special presentation for the Baltimore Watercolor Society on the evening of Tuesday, March 25. Because Stewart’s workshop (March 27 & 28) filled up so rapidly, we would like to give other members an opportunity to meet him and see him work. You will be able to start registering for this event on February 25, after the March newsletter comes out.
Stewart will give a two hour demonstration followed by a question and answer period. We will be using live video as well as our demonstration mirror so that everyone can see clearly. There will be a break in the middle for light refreshments.
Stewart’s work has been exhibited multiple times in both American Watercolor Society and National Watercolor Society shows, and he is a signature member of both. Stewart focuses on plein air painting, and he is a Grand Prize Winner of the prestigious Easton Plein Air Festival. He is an invited faculty member of the upcoming Plein Air Convention in California. You can learn more about Stewart White and his artwork through his website at: www.stewartwhitestudios.com.
The program starts at 7:00 pm, with the doors to the Hawthorn Center opening at 6:45. Admission is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. You can register at the BWS website online at “An Evening with Stewart White”. A special name tag will be created for each attendee, and that will be your admission ticket. You will find them on a table by the door. **********************************************
Details in brief:
- Date: March 25 (Tuesday), 2014 from 7:00 – 9:30 pm (building opens at 6:45 pm)
- Price: $10 for all BWS members (including associates) or $15 for non-members; no refunds
- Checks should be made out to Baltimore Watercolor Society: only a check or online sign-up will reserve your spot!
- For online registration, visit www.bws.onefireplace.com and go to Public Events.
- Participants will be limited to 80 people.
- The program will take place at The Hawthorn Center in Hickory Ridge, Columbia, MD. The address is: 6175 Sunny Spring, Columbia, MD 21044. Confirmation of your registration will be sent upon receipt of your check or online sign-up.
Program coordinator: Susan Murphy, 17520 Doctor Bird Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860. email: susan@susanavismurphy.com phone: 301-774-3418 (send all correspondence and checks to Susan)
click here for printable version of this announcement and mail-in registration form.
Questions can be directed to Susan Avis Murphy